Sunday, 20 March 2011


Q2 performance group performed at the first ever Kids Carnival, straight from LA last wk!

I am so proud of my group, they only had one month to put together the show. It was a new show and something a little bit different than we usually do.

We did a hip hop/contemporary set, with a story line. Whats the story line you ask? here it is:

Ryan - played a homeless guy and 4 others (Jordan, Reese, Mya and Isabelle) played the roles of ppl whom a homeless guy might meet in his daily life - a rich/posh lady that tells him to get a job, 2 teenagers that bully him and a girl that ignores him when he asks for money. and Ali and Luella played the conscious of the Ryan.One bad and one good!!it was also the beautiful Ali and Luella that did the contemporary piece.

Anyway back to how fabulous the kids were!!.... they had to learn a hard set and act and use props!and  at the young ages of 8-11 they brought a maturity and a work ethic rarely seen in adults!

So thank you!!

Also a thank you to Lauren Elton who choreographed the Contemp piece and James E who choreographed part of the hip hop set and was there on the night to look after my kids because I had a show at the same time!